
Crums Timechains - Lightweight custom chains for proving time, age, and order of operations.

View the Project on GitHub crums-io/timechain

crum User Guide (ALPHA)

crum is a command line program for generating key-less, cryptographic timestamps on remote timechains and archiving them in a local repo. This guide is meant to compliment information available thru the help command.

peek Command

Looks up the timechain at the given URL and prints its properties and current block no. after validating its latest block proof. (It’s actually 2 REST calls to the remote server.) Here’s the response against a test timechain:

$ /opt/crum/bin/crum peek http://localhost:8080
Inception:         2024-10-07T15:18:30.912-0600
Block rate:        every 2.048 seconds
Block commit lag:  1.024 seconds
Blocks retained:   64
Blocks searched:   3
Current block:     1940432
Blocks committed:  1940430

We’ll use this example to explain what these statistics mean..


This is the date of the timechain’s genesis block. It marks the smallest UTC value that could fall in that first time block. Note the genesis block is numbered 1, not 0.

Block rate

The block rate together with the inception time (above) defines a mapping for any UTC (after the chain’s inception) to a chain block no.

Note this figure actually expresses each block’s duration, not the rate (which is actually the reciprocal of this figure). The word rate in this command line interface is being used loosely. As for the real rate a timechain generates new blocks, it is expected to fluctuate over short stretches, but be very accurate over longer stretches (e.g. the moving average over 100 blocks).

The block rate is set at the chain’s inception and predetermines the span of time each block no. represents. Specifically, a block numbered block_no spans an interval of time beginning at

inception_utc + (block_no - 1) x (block_duration)

(inclusive), and ending at

inception_utc + (block_no) x (block_duration)


Notice, this figure, expressed in milliseconds is a power of 2 (2048 in the example above). It is always that way: the block rate is expressed as the exponent this power of 2 takes (the binExponent in the server’s JSON).

The bin exponent (binExponent) expresses block time boundaries globally (no matter the timechain). Blocks in timechains at the same exponent begin and end at the same UTC boundaries (in millis); blocks in timechains at different bin exponents are aligned so that chunkier timechain block boundaries always align with finer timechain block boundaries.

Block commit lag

Block (no.s) become eligible for addition (commitment) only after the end of the block plus this many seconds.

Blocks retained

A timechain doesn’t keep the witness receipts it generates (crumtrails) indefinitely. Once a witnessed hash is committed to a timechain block, it survives this many new blocks before it’s purged. Clients are expected to retrieve their receipts in this window of time from the server.

In the example above, this translates to a TTL (after block commit) of

64 x 2.048s

or, about 131 seconds.

Blocks searched

Whenever a SHA-256 hash is submitted to the remote chain it creates an entry in that block (technically, a cargo block). But if an entry with that hash already exists in that block, then the server returns the existing entry instead. So at minimum, a timechain server searches 1 block before returning the receipt. This figure says how many blocks are actually searched (typically 3).

Current block

This translates (local) system time to the chain’s current block no. Recall, this mapping is defined solely by the chain’s inception time and block rate.

Blocks commited

This is the last block no. presently in the timechain. This figure is derived from timechain’s latest block proof (retrieved thru a 2nd call to the server). Typically, this no. should be no more than 2 or 3 behind the current block no. (above).

Local repos

Most crum commands interact with a local repo (all but the peek command in the current release). Every local repo supports archiving information and recording crumtrails (witness receipts) from multiple timechains. Each local repo maintains information about each timechain in indepedent sub-repos called chain repos.

Crumtrails from the same timechain share common (hash) information and it is advantageous to manage them together. They take collectively less disk space in a repo than when saved individually. But more importantly, every time crum drops a new (just witnessed) crumtrail into a repo, it also updates the block proofs for every existing crumtrail in that repo (for that timechain). (See seal and patch).

Repos do not index crumtrails by date: crumtrails are only indexed by hashes (lexicographic order of hash witnessed).

About Hostnames

Local repos maintain alias names for the remote timechains they know about. Presently, these aliases are just the timechain’s hostname. So, unless hostnames are aliased, crum recognizes at most one timechain per host (per repo). The plan is for future versions of crum to support this “aliasing” internally; for now you should know about this limitation.

Default host

Every repo optionally defines a default timechain host. If the repo only knows about a single timechain, then that timechain’s hostname is the the default host.

Default repo

Every crum user has (or potentially has) a default repo in their home directory named .crums.


Creating a timestamp (crumtrail) is a 2 step process. You first drop the hash to the timechain using this command and receive a receipt. You then wait for the (time) block in which your hash was witnessed to commit on the timechain. Finally, you retrieve the “cured” crumtrail from the timechain using the seal command. (That’s 3 steps, if we count waiting as a step.) On “fast” timechains, crum performs these steps automatically. When it doesn’t (either because the --no-wait option was used, or because the timechain is too “slow” for the default wait behavior to kick in), you’ll have to follow up with a seal command.

The first time you run this command, it might look like something like below run against a test server..

$ crum wit --origin http://localhost:8080 -F myFile.md 
Initializing repo chain for http://localhost:8080
[NOTED]  63eed3e18d4407595608d613a0fb71a6dc7363fc7d653d6c4a6c82de5942b093
         2024-11-22T22:56:46.227-0700   (Block 1955809)
         sealable in about 4 seconds
sealing trails..
[SEALED] 63eed3e18d4407595608d613a0fb71a6dc7363fc7d653d6c4a6c82de5942b093
         2024-11-22T22:56:46.227-0700   (Block 1955809)

crum creates a default user repo and stores a crumtrail in it. Since localhost is the only timechain server the repo knows about, it is for now, the repo’s default host. From here on, if you omit the --origin <URL> option with this command, crum will assume you meant the timechain at the same URL.

Note, crum will not witness a hash on a timechain, if the local chain repo already contains a crumtrail for that hash.


When a timechain witnesses a hash thru the wit command, a temporary receipt is first saved in the repo. It contains the UTC time it was witnessed at the server (and which block no. it is to be committed to). After waiting for that block no. to commit, the crumtrail (witness proof) for that hash is ready at the server and may be retrieved using this command.

On success, this both records new crumtrails in the chain repo, and also patches every crumtrail in that chain repo to the latest state (block) of the timechain.

This patching behavior is a free side-effect of witnessing stuff.


You don’t have to wit (and seal) in order to bring the local state of a chain repo forward to the present. Indeed, if there is nothing new to witness, then this command is way more efficient, both in (disk) space and time (a single, read-only, REST “state” call).

The state of a timechain is meant to be distributed via the block proofs it has dispensed. Tho you can always delay recording the (near) current state of a timechain (relying on its REST network interface), it’s always a good idea to keep chain operators honest by monitoring and recording their chain state via this command.

Death of a Timechain

If you accumulate crumtrails from a timechain that has died, a first step in the recovery process is to witness on another chain, the hash of the last block you know about from this now dead chain. If this ritual were practiced periodically during the life of a chain, the crumtrails one accumulated would still have evidentiary value even after the chain had died. Future versions will support opt-in tools for “collective” evidence commitment (in multiple timechains).


The option to emit JSON arguably does not serve any useful purpose in this first version. The next version will support ingesting (recording) crumtrails in a local repo, directly from JSON input. This is intended to make crumtrails easy to share with others.