Differential disclosure solution for maintaining and exposing information from evolving, append-only journals / ledgers.
Babak Farhang
January 2025
This paper introduces Skip Ledger, a novel commitment scheme designed for evolving, append-only lists, or simply ledgers. Unlike traditional hash chains, skip ledger embeds a binary hash tree structure in the calculation of each row’s hash, enabling logarithmically succinct proofs of inclusion and order for any set of ledger rows. The hash structure enabling efficient partial reveals of ledger contents is described, then formalized in pseudo-code by the defining a function that calculates a row’s commitment hash, in terms of both the row number and a user-defined function that returns the hash of the contents of a ledger row. Besides enabling succint proofs of ledger row contents, the scheme’s perhaps most notable property is that it also enables succint proofs of the order of the commitments, themselves. The scheme’s efficiency in areas requiring audit, integrity, and non-repudiation are discussed and contrasted with other approaches. The scheme’s applicability to blockchain protocols (more efficient off-chain proofs) is noted. Finally, the paper posits if blockchains can create tokens of value in their ledger entries, then so too may private ledgers.
Ledgers are historical lists of things. Whether by markings on a stick, carvings in clay, or ink on paper, ledgers have always recorded human activity. And while the technologies for maintaining the veracity of those records have evolved, one principle has remained constant: the technology should make tampering with the records difficult (dry clay is not editable, for example), so that tampered records are readily apparent. This then is another modern take on those markings on a stick.
Traditional methods like hash chains1 provide strong security guarantees about order (which record precedes another, for example), but suffer from inefficiencies when it comes to verifying that order. In particular, with most hash chains, verifying order requires reading the chain from the beginning. Since hash chains are typically large, it’s difficut to package succint off-chain proofs of order.
Skip ledger, however, enables succinct, off-chain constructions for proof of order. A sketch of the typical usage model under the scheme goes something like this:
Given the commitment hash for block [N] (N > 0) establish that it encodes the contents (or commitment hash) of block [n] (0 < n ≤ N) in a succinct proof.
That is, if a user has reason to believe they know (or can trust) the commitment hash for block [N], then they can be convinced about the contents of any block at or before N using a compact, off-chain hash proof.
After a brief review of prior related work, the scheme’s data model (ledgers as append-only rows/blocks)
and commitment scheme are defined in terms of a user-defined input_hash( n )
function that returns
the hash of the contents of the row numbered n, and the [fixed] skip ledger commitment hash function,
row_hash( n )
. Next, the scheme’s properties are enumerated (what qualifies it as a commitment scheme;
what makes skip ledger a useful primitive) with emphasis on the scheme’s fundamental proof structure called
a path. Paths are to skip ledgers what Merkle proofs are to Merkle trees; but unlike Merkle proofs (which model
fixed, not append-only, collections), paths are composable from (and de-composable to) sub-paths. An informal
“mini-algebra” about the row no.s in the composition of paths is introduced to justify some of the claimed
properties. The path proof structure is only described in words, referencing only the already defined
and row_hash
functions; pseudo code for the actual packaging of proofs (skip ledger paths)
is not included.
The row_hash
function, as defined recursively in the pseudo code, is inefficient. The user-defined, ledger-specific
function too may be inefficient. The section on skip ledger chains outlines a simple
“memo-ization” techinique that allows a ledger owner to generate paths (succinct proofs of order and inclusion)
in constant time; other use cases that involve less frequent recordings of a “ledger”’s commitment hash
(where there are no immediate plans for revealing anything), use a succinct memo-ization structure (called hash frontier)
to efficiently calculate a row [commitment] hashes forward, in a “single-pass”.
In the Discussion section, skip ledger is compared and contrasted with other approaches, emphasizing its applicability in a range of use cases. A ledger (an append-only collection), after all, can model many a thing: from log files, streams or sequences of “data frames”, to journals, private ledgers, public ledgers, blockchain, or other kinds of objects yet imagined. The scheme’s general applicability and efficiency in the areas of audit, proof of provenance, non-repudiation (etc.) are analyzed. The section closes with a hypothetical warehouse ledger, using it to suggest that a private ledger (backed by business operations) can encode and expose tokens of value much like blockchains do.
Both Merkle trees23 and hash chains, while prominently featured in blockchain technology (Nakamoto, 2008)4, have a rich history in cryptography and computer science. They have been used for various purposes, including generating one-time keys in Lamport signatures56, securing password storage (Stallings, 2018)7, and providing verifiable time stamps for digital documents (Haber & Stornetta, 1991)1.
Hash proof structures often mirror analogous, conventional data structures. Merkle trees, for example, are structurally similar to binary trees; hash chains, are similar to linked lists. The word mirror here also conveys the idea that the references in these hash proof structures point in the opposite direction of their conventional counterparts. For example, the hash references (commonly called hash pointers) in a Merkle proof are constructed from the bottom up , from leaf to root, rather than vice versa (as in a conventional binary tree). Skip ledgers too mirror a conventional type of data structure: the skip list (Pugh, 1990)8.
The use of skip list-like hash structures for cryptographic linking (and commitment) is not a new concept. For example, the NIST Randomness Beacon (Kelsey, Brandão, Peralta, & Booth, 2019)9 records (commits) successive beacon hashes in a skip list-like hash structure organized like the Gregorian calendar (year/month/day, etc.). Although skip lists are mentioned or used in prior, related work, skip ledger offers a more concrete skip-list-based commitment scheme that is applicable in more general settings.
A ledger is modeled as an append-only list of rows (items), each row represented by a hash value derived from the row’s contents (a line of text, a row in a database, a “chunk” of a stream, etc.) using a cryptographically strong hash function H. In skip ledger terminology, this hash value is called the row’s input hash. Additionally, each skip ledger row has a computable commitment hash, which in skip ledger terminology is just called the row-hash. That is, a row-hash at row n also stands in as a commitment hash for the ledger when it had n rows.
Indeed this is an already familiar concept in blockchain4: the hash of the nth block is a commitment for the state of the entire chain when it had n blocks. There, each block is linked to its predecessor using a special hash cell that simply records the hash of the predecessor block. Under the skip ledger commitment scheme, each row’s (block’s) hash is computed as the root of a binary hash tree over that and all previous rows in the ledger. This property, in turn, allows one to efficiently reveal and prove (partially reveal) the contents of any row against any commitment hash of the ledger after it had that row (block).
Rows are numbered, starting from 1, monotonically increasing, with no gaps. Every computed row hash encodes the hash of the preceding row, but also, depending on the row number n, k many more hashes of predecessor rows, where k is the number of times 2 divides n:
k = max { i ∈ ℕ0 s.t. 2i ∣ n }
Each row’s hash “directly” encodes k + 1 predecessor row hashes. The hashes referenced are from rows numbered
n - 20, n - 21, n - 22, .. , n - 2k
or more simply
n - 1, n - 2, n - 4, .. , n - 2k
The hash of row [n] is computed by hashing the concatenation of the row’s input hash (computed from the source row) together with the root hash of a Merkle tree constructed from the row hashes of the predecessor rows numbered above.
The following pseudo code fleshes out a recursive definition for the row hash:
// Strong cryptographic hash function. The hash of the empty [byte] sequence
// H("") is _defined_ as a string of zero bits with the same length as H's
// usual output. This sentinel value is denoted H_o below.
function H(m) :
// Computes and returns the Merkle root hash over the given ordered list of hashes
// using a strong cryptographic hash function. The algorithm here does not prepend
// internal and leaf hash nodes (with 0 and 1): since the no. of hashes is predetermined
// in this application, the so called "2nd-preimage attack" does not apply.
function merkle_root(hashes) :
if (length(hashes) == 0) return H_o // (never reached in this pseudo code)
if (length(hashes) == 1) return hashes[0] // hash of singleton is self
while (length(hashes) > 1) {
new_hashes ← []
for i ← 0 to length(hashes) - 1 step 2 {
if (i + 1 < length(hashes))
new_hashes.push( H(hashes[i] + hashes[i+1]) )
new_hashes.push( H(hashes[i]) )
hashes ← new_hashes
return hashes[0]
// Computes and returns the hash of the *source* row in the ledger
// numbered n (> 0). This may the "straight" hash of a byte sequence, or
// a "composition" of the hashes of cell values in row [n].
function input_hash(n) :
// .. compute hash of ledger source row (or read memo-ized result)
return h
// Recursive definition of a row's commitment hash (simply called row hash)
function row_hash(n) :
// check for the sentinel row [0]
if (n == 0)
return H_o // (zeroed hash)
pn ← pointer_nos(n)
ptr_count = length(pn)
prev_row_hashes ← [ptr_count] // an array of hashes (or other container) with ptr_count-many slots
for i ← 0 to ptr_count - 1 do
prev_row_hashes[i] ← row_hash(pn[i])
// below, '+' means concatenate
return H( input_hash(n) + merke_root(prev_row_hashes) )
// Returns the row no.s row n's hash is derived from. These are deterministically
// set by row no. (unlike the randomization in the skip list search structure).
function pointer_nos(n) :
count ← skip_count(n)
PN ← [count] // an array (or other container) with count-many slots
for i ← 0 to count - 1 do
PN[i] ← n - 2^i
return PN
// Returns the no. of skip [hash] pointers to previous rows for a given row no.
// (determined by row no. alone).
function skip_count(n) :
e ← trailing_zero_bits(n) // no. of trailing zero bits in the base-2 representation of n
return e + 1
Note, in practice a row_hash
implementation will involve some form of
memo-ization (in memory, or on disk); otherwise, each access of row_hash(n)
will cost O(n) operations.
The row_hash
function above has sufficient properties to satisfy as a commitment scheme.
A commitment scheme is a cryptographic primitive that allows one to commit to a chosen value (or chosen statement) while keeping it hidden to others, with the ability to reveal the committed value later.
Oded Goldreich (2001). Foundations of Cryptography: Volume 1, Basic Tools. Cambridge University Press.
The hash of any row numbered n (see row_hash
) acts as a commitment to the contents
of a ledger with n rows.
Once the hash of row n is published, it is computationally difficult to change the contents of any row numbered n or lower without changing the hash of row n. This follows from the fact that hash of every row always depends on the hash of the immediate row before it.
The hash of a row numbered n does not reveal anything about the contents of the ledger with n rows, even if n (the row no.) is revealed.
The commitment scheme enables 2 layers of differential information disclosure: general and specific.
Once the hash of row n is published (committed to), the ledger owner may later reveal how the hash row n is derived from the hash of any row numbered less than n. In skip ledger terminology, such proofs are called paths. Since [the row] hashes don’t leak information, the only information conveyed is about the row numbers themselves.
Def. The shortest path linking two numbered rows (the one with the fewest references to the hashes of intervening rows) is called the skip path (for the numbered rows).
The next section explains the mechanics of paths using a particular example.
Once the hash of row n is published, one may later reveal (and prove) the number of rows in the ledger n. This is achieved using a path (a hash proof) linking the hash of row [n] to the hash of the first row, row [1]. For example, if n is 534, then the path contains information about constructing the hashes of the following row no.s:
[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 528, 532, 534]
In skip ledger terminology, these are the path’s “full” rows. From left to right, the hash of each row is determined by
Since row [0], the sentinel row, is only referenced “directly” (via a row’s link Merkle tree) by rows numbered 2k (k = 1, 2, 3, ..), the structure of the hash proof reveals n, the number of rows in the ledger with the given commitment hash.
Note the above path is in fact a skip path: it is the shortest path that links row [1]
to row [n]. Since the row no.s in a skip path are predetermined by their beginning and ending
no.s, I’ll denote this set of ordered numbers as {1 → 534}
. Similary,
{a → b → c} = {a → b} ∪ {b → c}
shall denote the union of 2 skip paths. Paths and skip paths (their row no.s) have interesting algebraic properties. In particular,
Once the hash of row n is published (committed to),
the ledger owner may later reveal the contents of any row numbered less than or
equal to n. If the revealed row is numbered r (1 ≤ r ≤ n), then the
path shall include the row no.s {1 → r → n}
The contents of the source row r can then be revealed the “usual way”
by matching the source row data with the input hash of the [skip ledger] row r.
The properties enumerated above satisy the definition of a commitment scheme. This next set of properties make the skip ledger a useful primitive. The focus here, is on the properties of paths, the hash proof structures that enable partial reveals.
The skip ledger paths linking any set of row no.s are compact. The number of full [skip ledger] rows in any skip path is of order O log n (where n is the difference of the last and first row no.s). Additionally, each row hash in a skip path on average encodes log n many hash pointers to previous rows: so, on average, the Merkle tree used to construct the hash of a full row contains log n previous-row hashes as its leaves. Thus each Merkle proof linking successive full rows in a skip path is of size O log log n. Multiplyiing the average no. of full rows with the average size of each row’s merkle proof linking it to the predecessor row in the path, the binary size of a skip ledger path is of order
O (log log n ) log n ≅ O log n
The justification for the “near equivalence” to O log n is that the first factor log log n grows extremely slowly and from a practical standpoint can be expected to never exceed 6 (n = 264).
In actuality, not all link proofs in the path structure are worth expressing as Merkle proofs: for a row numbered n, if n is not a factor of 16, then simply listing (or otherwise inferring) all the referenced row hashes (by row [n]) is more space efficient.
Since paths from the same ledger share common lineage (and therefore common hashes), when archived together the paths take less space than they would take if archived individually. This is because paths can be decomposed into (and recomposed from) their parts.
Some paths can be concatenated with other paths from the same ledger. In particular,
given two paths from the same ledger for row no.s a
, b
, and c
{a → b}
and {b → c}
(with a < b < c a,b,c ∈ ℕ
a new path from a
to c
, {a → b → c}
can be composed from their “union” (concatenation).
Generally, given any two overlapping paths (from the same ledger)
{a → c}
and {b → d}
with a < b < c < d
, and a,b,c,d ∈ ℕ
∃ b⁺ ∈ {a → c} ∩ {b → d}
, with b ≤ b⁺ ≤ c
frow which a new path
{a → b⁺ → d}
may be constructed.
If a ledger owner periodically publishes their ledger’s commitment hash, they can also publish an intermediate commitment artifact, revealing the no. of rows in the ledger when that commitment was made, as well as a succint proof linking the last commit to the previous commit. This is achieved using skip ledger paths, of course. Since paths are compact, a ledger owner may opt to publish a commitment as a path linking the latest committed row to the previously commited row.
If paths from the same ledger are archived using properly overlapping sub-paths, then the addition of a single path (from the highest numbered row in the collection to a more recent committed row) updates all the proofs (paths) in the archive to the path’s highest numbered row. I.e. a single piece of compact data updates all existing proofs to the hash of a more recent commit.
This concludes the roundup of the properties of skip ledger proof structures.
Paths have other interesting properties worth exploring (the algebraic properties of their full
row no.s, for e.g.) but those are beyond the scope of this paper.
In principle, a ledger managed under this commitment scheme can just record the hash of the last row committed to an abstract skip ledger. In many niche cases this simple representation is appropriate. For example, if the lines in a log file are modeled as rows in a ledger and the log file is archived it for its potential evidentiary value, then simply recording the skip ledger hash of the last line of the log file may be appropriate. If log files are rolled, then the (hash) state of the ledger can also be rolled from one log file to the next using a special compact structure called the hash frontier. However, neither of these examples really concern this section.
What concerns us here is the data structures to use when it’s time to partially reveal one
or more row values against a committed hash. In order to tackle this problem, let us consider
the case where we do not have advance knowledge about which row values
will be revealed (at which row no.s) but we need to be able to generate such proofs (paths)
quickly, at will. The row_hash
function defined recursively above is immensely inefficient.
Some form of persistent memo-ization is necessary to speed it up.
One way to record skip ledger row hashes is to represent each row in fixed-size blocks.
If each block only recorded the row-hash (the output of the row_hash
function), then an
efficient, memo-ized version of row_hash
might be implemented using this sequence of blocks as
a caching layer. However, the construction of paths (the hash proofs linking numbered rows)
also requires the input-hash for the row (the ouput of the input_hash
which computes the hash of the source row numbered n). Depending on the data source
this might also be an expensive, non-constant-time operation (finding the offset of a line no.
in a log file, for example). To further speed up the construction of paths
(and also to cover cases where the input_hash
function is characteristically
slow), we also record (and memo-ize) the input-hash of the row in each block. So if both the
input- and row-hash functions both use SHA-256 (as used in the reference implementation10), then
each block representing a skip ledger row takes 64 bytes in the skip ledger chain.
Using the chain, individual row information is available in near constant time, and constructing paths takes O (log d)2 block accesses (where d is the difference of the highest and lowest row no.s in the path). Note, the more skip pointers a row no. has (the more trailing zeroes in the row no.’s binary representation), the more expensive it is to access linkage information for that row no., but importantly, the more likely that row is included in a random path. An in-memory caching layer that prioritizes linkage information at row no.s with the most skip pointers, can ameliorate this log-squared performance penalty where it hurts most.
This section concerns detecting data corruption in the chain’s blocks. It does not concern verifying that the committed source rows have not be tampered with. There are 2 classes of integrity-check.
As in most “cryptographic chains” the integrity of the chain is verified by re-playing its blocks from start to finish. The source rows committed to the chain are not themselves verified in this “integrity-check”: rather the row-hash recorded in each successive block is verified to be consistent with input-hash recorded in that block. On average, [the hash of] each skip ledger row (block) encodes (references) 2 previous row-hashes. An in-memory structure (the hash frontier previously mentioned in the context of rolling log files) obviates the need to read any block more than once during a run of the integrity-check.
Every time a path is constructed from a skip ledger chain’s blocks, the derived hash of the last
numbered row in the path can be verified to match that recorded in the block at that row no.
(The reference implementation makes this check.) This way, every path constructed from
the chain, is also a sampled integrity-check: to the degree their skip path coordinates are
random (as in their {a → b → c}
notation), the construction of paths over a chain can be
seen as random-sampled integrity-checks. Since paths are the scheme’s bread and butter, the more used,
the less the need to verify the chain from start-to-finish.
Another motivation behind including the input-hash in the chain’s blocks is that it allows us to distinguish chain corruption from source ledger corruption. The procedure for checking source integrity is to simply verify the recorded input-hash in each block matches that generated from the source ledger for each row no. from start-to-finish. This start-to-finish test, of course, can only be reliably performed by the ledger owner. However, every time a source row is revealed this check is also performed by the recipient of the revealed row. (As with paths, the reference implementation verifies the source row data matches the input hash on packaging its proofs.)
What to do with this primitive? Where to use it? This section compares and contrasts skip ledger with other techniques and approaches.
Skip Ledger | Merkle Tree | Comment | |
Logarithmically succinct | ✓ | ✓ | Both skip ledgers paths and Merkle proofs are O log in size. |
Balanced hash tree | slightly less balanced | ✓ | Merkle trees are perfectly balanced, leading to slightly smaller proofs. |
Commit provenance | ✓ (inherent in structure) | difficult to link historical roots efficiently | skip ledger’s structure naturally links all historical states through the row hashes. Linking different Merkle roots requires additional structures like hash chains or skip ledgers themselves. |
Incremental build / commit | ✓ (build-as-you-go) | requires rebuilding the tree, if more leaves are added | skip ledgers efficiently integrate new entries without the need for an explicit “build” or commitment stage. |
Use Synopsis | |||
Suitability for fixed-size collections | less suitable | ✓ | Merkle trees are a better choice when modeling a collection that does not grow, because Merkle proofs are slightly more compact. |
Suitability for append-only collections | ✓ (designed for this) |
In most blockchains each block records the hash of the predecessor block in a specially reserved slot, as many bits wide as the hash function used requires. We’ll examine how the hash recorded in that slot can be repurposed to instead to use the skip ledger commitment scheme.
The gist of the strategy here is to identify and separate a block’s application-specific data from its hash linking mechanism, and instead of calculating a block’s hash the “usual way”, use the hash of a block’s “application-specific” data to compute a block’s input-hash (in skip ledger terms) and “redundantly” record the (structured) skip ledger hash of the block itself in the the block’s hash pointer slot. With proof-of-work chains like Bitcoin4, the hash-neutral nonce field will continue to not figure in the calculation of a block’s [input] hash (i.e. proof-of-work does not contribute to the block’s input hash); for chains operating under other consensus schemes, such as proof-of-stake, it may be appropriate to include proof-of-consensus data in the calculation of the input hash.
Note skip ledger can be adopted retroactively. That is, once the chain’s input_hash
is properly defined, the skip ledger commitment hash is computable for every existing block. The existing blocks
can be augumented using a parallel chain that only records the skip ledger commitment hash at each block no. At 32 bytes
overhead per block (using SHA-256), this would count as perhaps the smallest index built atop the chain. The
auxilliary parallel chain ends right before the block no. the commitment scheme is switched over to.
Starting from the block no. the scheme is adopted, blocks are referenced by their skip ledger hash (instead of how block-hashes are presently calculated), which again, is redundantly recorded in the block itself. The proof-of-work puzzle (attempting to zero the hash of the block, computed the old way) remains unchanged.
Under skip ledger, any random existing block can quickly be verified to belong in the chain (as represented by any of its recent blocks) in sublinear time and space. This, in turn, may aid in tracking, verifying, or packaging off-chain proofs-of-provenance for a chain’s tokens.
Business ledgers are usually maintained in relational databases. Smaller businesses, on the other hand, may simply maintain some of their “ledgers” in spreadsheets. Regardless where and how such ledgers are kept, businesses can ensure (and prove) their ledger data have not been corrupted by periodically committing to (recording) the hash of their ledgers.
Since many existing ledgers are in tabular form, the design of the input_hash
function for such
use cases is also an area of study. Areas of focus include:
Under the “table salt” scheme (3) , the salt for every cell value in the row is derivable from it the row-salt and the cell’s index (in the row), but not the other way around. When no values are redacted, only the row-salt needs to be revealed in the proof; if any cell value is redacted, then the row-salt must not be revealed and every revealed cell value is accompanied by the cell-specific salt.
The commitment scheme finds use in the sharing and archival large chunks of data (which may contain sensitive, or priviledged information) for non-repudiation purposes. For such use cases, it is merely enough to calculate (and commit to) the [skip ledger commitment] hash of the last “row” or block in one pass.
For unstructured data streams, that is, when the commitment system’s input_hash
function has no prior
knowledge of the stream’s format, one may simply choose an input_hash
function that describes
the stream as fixed-size blocks. This may be appropriate for video streams, for example.
From a practical perspective it may suffice to record (publish) the commitment hash of, say, every 1024th block in the stream. This allows any snippet to be verified against the commitment hash (and where it occurs in the stream). If the stream is timestamped, the proof might also provide guarantees about when the snippet occurred.
Timechain11 is an experimental REST based protocol for witnessing hashes. Here, a skip ledger chain
models contiguous, equal-duration time-blocks since the chain’s genesis. The chain’s input_hash
function computes the Merkle root of the hashes witnessed in that time-block. Users are expected to retrieve
witness proofs promptly: the Merkle tree used to compute the block’s input_hash
is not kept indefinitely.
Earlier versions of the timechain did not use this commitment scheme. It developed the other way around. The design of skip ledger was first motivated by considering how best to construct the hash of an evolving ledger to be witnessed by the (old) timechain.
Every modern receipt is recorded in one or more ledgers. Gone are the days when an official document (receipt) might merely be imprinted with the King’s seal and not be recorded anywhere else. If you can find exceptions to this rule, then consider it a definition.
If the existing ledger[s] that receipt came from is annotated with skip ledger commitment data (proving at what row no.[s] the legered receipt is recorded in), then the receipt can be efficiently linked to all future commitment hashes of the ledger[s] it is recorded in.
Blockchains also model ledgers. Since going mainstream, blockchain is now a toolkit many a cutting edge application should consider. Here the tradeoffs of the blockchain approach versus managing privately controlled ledgers maintained under the skip ledger scheme are examined at high level. But note, we’re examining what is possible in theory: for example, if a blockchain (which is a ledger) can create tokens of value in its entries, then so too may privately controlled ledgers (backed by business processes operating under conventional legal regimes) model tokens of value in their entries.
The table below contrasts the 2 approaches.
Skip Ledger | Blockchain | Comment | |
Tamper proof | ✓ | ✓ | Both approaches ensure data integrity and guard against data corruption. Skip ledger, however, does not rely on blockchain infrastructure. |
Governance | private | by consensus | |
Legal Regime | contract / judicial | code-as-law (mostly) | |
Decentralized | ✓ | ||
Ledger Rules | by convention / contract | by code | |
Backward-compatibile | ✓ | Skip ledgers are based on existing bookkeeping ledgers | |
Easy to Model / Deploy | ✓ | Conventional ledgers operate in more controlled, less adversial environments than blockchains do. | |
Off-chain Verification | ✓ (by design) | Although a skip ledger based application may expose its rows (blocks) as a “commitment chain”, as, for example, the timechain protocol does, the chain’s only function (as far as skip ledger is concerned) is to efficiently generate off-chain proofs of entry and/or commitment. The scheme itself does not assume a chain. | |
Accountability | ✓ | Conventional ledgers committed under the skip ledger scheme are more accountable than decentralized blockchains. | |
Revisions / Corrections | ✓ | Conventional ledgers model corrections to old entries with new “correction” entries (old entries are never be edited, of course). By design, entries in blockchains are final. | |
Easy to Evolve | ✓ | Conventional ledgers are easier to evolve than blockchains. In fact, skip ledger can aid in the evolution of a ledger: for example, back-end database schema changes can be verified not to break old commitments. | |
Tokenizable parts | hypothesized | ✓ |
If blockchains can create tokens of value, can conventional ledgers also design and package tokens of value in their entries? Let us explore this issue using a perhaps contrived, over-simplified example.
A warehouse exposes its inventory as a public, mostly obfuscated ledger. At first, there are 4 types of record (row) in this ledger:
A live view of its commitments, in the form of an opaque skip ledger chain, is also made public. The warehouse only dispenses unredacted receipts to the priviledged 3rd parties it transacts with. Type (1) or type (3) receipts from this ledger may function as proofs of ownership of items in stock. Entries in conventional ledgers often reference records in 3rd party ledgers: for example, ownership-related entries in the warehouse ledger likely reference 3rd party records. So too are the shipping-related entries in type (1) and type (2) records.
Note, regardless how and where an item’s change-of-ownership is first recorded, the fact the warehouse provides verifiable receipts for when warehoused stock has changed hands, makes its in-stock receipts valuable. An extreme example of the how might be by a legal judgement against the current owner; the happy path, of course, is where both parties are in agreement (warehoused items sold or bartered).
Business is good at the warehouse. After a while, managers notice some customers are using their warehouse receipts as collateral for loans. They decide this is a good thing, but going forward, in addition to recording ownership, the warehouse ledger will also allow legitimate parties to also record contractual encumberances on ownership. Accordingly, the warehouse introduces a new record type (call it type 3a) for recording that ownership in an already stocked item has become encumbered.
Skip ledger is a powerful addition to the toolbox. A number of implementation-specific, engineering details not covered in this paper are further explored in the reference implementations101112. For the most part, these concern realizing efficiencies by developing a uniform set of tools and formats that both ledger owners and users (receipt recipients) know how to use in very general and broad settings. In particular, a binary “archive” format for bundling ledger proofs is prototyped. Because ledger entries often reference entries in other ledgers each archive (called a morsel) packages proofs from multiple ledgers. For example, morsels package related timechain proofs (witness proofs of ledger hashes) much the same way as any other ledger.
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Skip ledger reference implementation https://github.com/crums-io/skipledger ↩ ↩2
Timechain protocol reference / PoC https://crums-io.github.io/timechain/overview.html ↩ ↩2
Merkle tree implementation (used in skip ledger) https://crums-io.github.io/merkle-tree/ ↩