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addHash(byte[]) - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
addHash(String) - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
addHash(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
API_PATH - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants


BEACON_VERB - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
BLOB_FILE - Static variable in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
Sequential blob file containing the CrumTrails.
BRANCH_PAD - Static variable in class io.crums.util.mrkl.ProofStatement
bytes() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Construct
bytes() - Method in interface io.crums.model.hashing.Entity
Returns the entity's state as a string of bytes.
bytesHex() - Method in interface io.crums.model.hashing.Entity
Returns Entity.bytes() as a hexadecimal string.


canonicalText() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Construct
Returns Construct.toText() in default whitespace formatting.
CHAIN - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.ProofParser
clearHashes() - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
Client - Class in io.crums.client
Client() - Constructor for class io.crums.client.Client
ClientException - Exception in io.crums.client
Client-side CrumsException.
ClientException(String) - Constructor for exception io.crums.client.ClientException
ClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.crums.client.ClientException
ClientException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.crums.client.ClientException
ClientException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.crums.client.ClientException
close() - Method in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
compareTo(Crum) - Method in class io.crums.model.Crum
Instances are ordered firstly by hash; secondly in time.
compareTo(TreeRef) - Method in class io.crums.model.TreeRef
Instances are ordered firstly by utc, secondly by hash.
Constants - Class in io.crums.model
Constants() - Constructor for class io.crums.model.Constants
So that these constants can be extended.
Construct - Class in io.crums.model.hashing
A well-formed expression.
COUNT - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.ProofParser
createItemStatement(Proof, CharSequence) - Static method in class io.crums.util.mrkl.ProofStatement
Creates and returns a Statement for the given proof and optional item definition itemDef.
createStatement(Proof) - Static method in class io.crums.util.mrkl.ProofStatement
Creates and returns a Statement for the given proof.
crum() - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumRecord
Returns the record's crum (hash/utc pair).
crum() - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
Returns the crum in this proof.
crum() - Method in class io.crums.model.TrailedRecord
crum() - Method in class io.crums.model.UntrailedRecord
Crum - Class in io.crums.model
A timestamp, witness to a hash.
Crum(byte[], long) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.Crum
Crum(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.Crum
Crum(ByteBuffer, long) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.Crum
CRUM - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
CRUM_PATH - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
crumParser() - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
CrumParser - Class in io.crums.model.json
JSON crum parser.
CrumParser() - Constructor for class io.crums.model.json.CrumParser
CrumRecord - Class in io.crums.model
A record of the life of a witnessed hash.
CrumRecord() - Constructor for class io.crums.model.CrumRecord
CrumsException - Exception in io.crums.model
Exception superclass.
CrumsException(String) - Constructor for exception io.crums.model.CrumsException
CrumsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.crums.model.CrumsException
CrumsException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.crums.model.CrumsException
CrumsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.crums.model.CrumsException
CrumTrail - Class in io.crums.model
A Merkle proof of a crum.
CrumTrail(int, int, byte[][], Crum) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
CrumTrail(Proof, Crum) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
CrumTrail(Tree, int, Crum) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
CrumTrailParser - Class in io.crums.model.json
JSON crum trail parser.
CrumTrailParser() - Constructor for class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
CrumTrailParser(ProofParser, CrumParser) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser


data - Variable in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
The positional state is never modified, not even momentarily.
DATA_SIZE - Static variable in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Data size is Constants.HASH_WIDTH + Long.BYTES.
delimited() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Construct
delimited() - Method in interface io.crums.model.hashing.Entity
Determines if the text representation of the instance is self-delimiting.


Entity - Interface in io.crums.model.hashing
Every object in our model is an entity.
EQU - Static variable in class io.crums.model.hashing.ExpressionSymbols
equals(Entity) - Method in interface io.crums.model.hashing.Entity
Equality semantics is governed by Entity.bytes().
equals(Object) - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumRecord
Instances are equal if their crums are equal and are both trailed.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Instances are equal iff their HashUtc.hash()s and HashUtc.utc()s are equal.
equalsHashUtc(HashUtc) - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
eval() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Statement
Evaluates the left- and righthand side and returns whether they evaluated to the same bytes sequence.
ExpressionSymbols - Class in io.crums.model.hashing


fence() - Static method in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception io.crums.model.hashing.HashingException
FLIP - Static variable in class io.crums.model.hashing.ExpressionSymbols


getBeacon() - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
getCrumRecords() - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
Returns the CrumRecords for the
getCrumRecordsAsJson() - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
Returns the server response as a json object.
getDir() - Method in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
Returns the directory this repo is rooted at.
getHash() - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
getHashes() - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
getIds() - Method in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
getTrail(long) - Method in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo


hash() - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Returns a read-only buffer whose remaining bytes are the hash.
HASH - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.CrumParser
HASH_ALGO - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
Name of the hashing (digest) algorithm.
HASH_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Compares 2 instances solely by hash.
HASH_WIDTH - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
Width of the hash, in bytes.
hashCode() - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumRecord
Consistent with CrumRecord.equals(Object).
hashCode() - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Consistent with equals.
hashedCrum() - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
Returns the SHA-256 hash of the crum.
hashEquals(HashUtc) - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Tests if this instance's hash is the same as the other.
hashHex() - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Returns the hash in its hexadecimal representation.
HashingException - Exception in io.crums.model.hashing
A hashing-related exception, usually as a result of parsing.
HashingException() - Constructor for exception io.crums.model.hashing.HashingException
HashingException(String) - Constructor for exception io.crums.model.hashing.HashingException
HashingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.crums.model.hashing.HashingException
HashingException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception io.crums.model.hashing.HashingException
HashingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.crums.model.hashing.HashingException
HashUtc - Class in io.crums.model
A 32 byte hash, plus an 8 byte long representing a witness time.
HashUtc(byte[], long) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Creates a new instance with the given fields.
HashUtc(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Creates a new instance with the given data buffer.
HashUtc(ByteBuffer, long) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Creates a new instance with the given fields.


IDX_FILE - Static variable in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
Fixed width index table filename.
INCEPTION_UTC - Static variable in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Version 1 concept date.
INDEX - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.ProofParser
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.CrumParser
Instances of this class are immutable and stateless.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
Instances of this class are immutable and stateless.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.ProofParser
Instances of this class are immutable and stateless.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.TreeRefParser
io.crums.client - package io.crums.client
io.crums.client.repo - package io.crums.client.repo
io.crums.model - package io.crums.model
io.crums.model.hashing - package io.crums.model.hashing
io.crums.model.json - package io.crums.model.json
io.crums.util.mrkl - package io.crums.util.mrkl
isEmpty() - Method in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
isTrailed() - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumRecord
Determines whether the record has a crum trail.
isTrailed() - Method in class io.crums.model.TrailedRecord
isTrailed() - Method in class io.crums.model.UntrailedRecord


JSON_CRUM - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
JSON_PROOF - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants


LEAF_PAD - Static variable in class io.crums.util.mrkl.ProofStatement
left() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Statement
Returns the LHS of the statement.
LFT_BRKT - Static variable in class io.crums.model.hashing.ExpressionSymbols
LFT_PRNS - Static variable in class io.crums.model.hashing.ExpressionSymbols
LIST_ROOTS_PATH - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
LIST_ROOTS_VERB - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
load(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
load(ReadableByteChannel) - Static method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
Loads and returns an instance from the given stream.
load(ReadableByteChannel, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
Loads and returns an instance from the given stream.


main(String[]) - Static method in class io.crums.client.Client
MAX_LIST_ROOTS_COUNT - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
The maxmimum number of root trails listed in one REST request.
MAX_STAMP_COUNT - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
The maximum number hashes allowed to stamp in one REST request.
maxUtc() - Method in class io.crums.model.TreeRef
Returns the maximum crum utc in the tree.
minUtc() - Method in class io.crums.model.TreeRef
Returns the minimum crum utc in the tree.


newSearchKey(byte[]) - Static method in class io.crums.model.Crum
newSearchKey(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.crums.model.Crum


parse(Reader) - Static method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Parser
Parsers the given stream and return the result as a Construct.
parse(Reader) - Static method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Statement
Parses and returns a statement.
parse(String) - Static method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Parser
Parses the given snippet and returns it as a Construct.
parse(String) - Static method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Statement
Parses and returns a statement.
Parser - Class in io.crums.model.hashing
Base parser for the grammar.
PROOF - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
proofParser() - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
ProofParser - Class in io.crums.model.json
JSON Merkle proof parser.
ProofParser() - Constructor for class io.crums.model.json.ProofParser
ProofStatement - Class in io.crums.util.mrkl
Generates Statements derived from Merkle Proofs.
putTrail(CrumTrail, long) - Method in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo


QR_BEACON_VERB - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
QS_COUNT_NAME - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
QS_CRUMTRAIL_NAME - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
QS_HASH_NAME - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
QS_UTC_NAME - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants


REST_ROOT_URL - Static variable in class io.crums.client.Client
RGT_BRKT - Static variable in class io.crums.model.hashing.ExpressionSymbols
RGT_PRNS - Static variable in class io.crums.model.hashing.ExpressionSymbols
right() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Statement
Returns the RHS of the statement.
ROOT_TRAIL_PATH - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
ROOT_TRAIL_VERB - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RSP_HASH_JSON - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RSP_MAX_UTC - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RSP_MIN_UTC - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RSP_STATUS_NAME - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RSP_STATUS_VAL_COMPLETED - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RSP_STATUS_VAL_WITNESSED - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RSP_TREE_NUM - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RSP_UTC_JSON - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RSP_WITNESS_DATE_JSON - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
RUN_MAX_UTC - Static variable in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
As a sanity check on data, the maximum UTC is bounded by 1 year from class-load time.


sanityCheckUtc(long) - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Bounds checks the given utc as one that could possibly be issued by the service.
serialForm() - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Returns the instance's serialized representation as a read-only buffer.
serialForm() - Method in class io.crums.model.TreeRef
Returns the instance's serialized representation as a read-only buffer.
serialSize() - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
setHash(byte[]) - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
setHash(String) - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
setHash(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.crums.client.Client
size() - Method in class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
STAMP - Static variable in class io.crums.client.Client
STAMP_PATH - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
STAMP_VERB - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
Statement - Class in io.crums.model.hashing
Two entities separated by an '=' sign.
Statement(Entity, Entity) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.hashing.Statement


toCrum(String) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumParser
toCrum(JSONObject) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumParser
toCrumRecord(JSONObject) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
Returns the optionally trailed CrumRecord.
toCrumRecords(Object) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
toCrumRecords(String) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
Converts and returns the given string as a list of CrumRecords.
toCrumTrail(String) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
toCrumTrail(JSONObject) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
toJsonObject(Crum) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumParser
toJsonObject(CrumTrail) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.CrumTrailParser
toJsonObject(TreeRef) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.TreeRefParser
toJsonObject(Proof) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.ProofParser
toProof(String) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.ProofParser
toProof(JSONObject) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.ProofParser
toStatement() - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
Returns this Merkle proof as a hash statement.
toString() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Construct
toString() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Statement
toString() - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
For debug purposes.
toText() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Construct
Returns a parseable representation of the entity.
toText() - Method in interface io.crums.model.hashing.Entity
Returns a parseable representation of the entity.
toText() - Method in class io.crums.model.hashing.Statement
toTreeRef(JSONObject) - Method in class io.crums.model.json.TreeRefParser
trail() - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumRecord
Returns the crum trail, or null if it doesn't have one.
trail() - Method in class io.crums.model.TrailedRecord
trail() - Method in class io.crums.model.UntrailedRecord
TrailedRecord - Class in io.crums.model
A "trailed" CrumRecord.
TrailedRecord(CrumTrail) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.TrailedRecord
Creates an instance with the given crum trail.
TrailRepo - Class in io.crums.client.repo
A local repo for CrumTrails.
TrailRepo(File) - Constructor for class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
Creates a read-write instance.
TrailRepo(File, Opening) - Constructor for class io.crums.client.repo.TrailRepo
Creates a new instance.
TREE_REF_SIZE - Static variable in class io.crums.model.TreeRef
treeNumber() - Method in class io.crums.model.TreeRef
Returns the zero-based tree number.
TreeRef - Class in io.crums.model
A stub to a crum Merkle tree identified by its root hash.
TreeRef(ByteBuffer, int) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.TreeRef
Creates a new instance.
TreeRefParser - Class in io.crums.model.json
Parses and generates TreeRef JSON.
TreeRefParser() - Constructor for class io.crums.model.json.TreeRefParser


UntrailedRecord - Class in io.crums.model
A CrumRecord in the "untrailed" state.
UntrailedRecord(Crum) - Constructor for class io.crums.model.UntrailedRecord
Creates an instance using the given crum.
utc() - Method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Time in UTC milliseconds.
UTC - Static variable in class io.crums.model.json.CrumParser


verify() - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
VERIFY_STAMP_PATH - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
VERIFY_STAMP_VERB - Static variable in class io.crums.model.Constants
verifyTrail(MessageDigest) - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
Verifies this crum trail.


writeTo(ByteBuffer) - Method in class io.crums.model.CrumTrail
writeToBuffer(byte[], long, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Serializes the given hash/utc tuple to the given out buffer.
writeToBuffer(ByteBuffer, long, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.crums.model.HashUtc
Serializes the given hash/utc tuple to the given out buffer.
writeTreeRefToBuffer(byte[], long, long, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.crums.model.TreeRef
Writes the specified fields to the given out buffer.
writeTreeRefToBuffer(ByteBuffer, long, long, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class io.crums.model.TreeRef
Writes the specified fields to the given out buffer.
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