
Utility modules, a no-dep JSON module, and a fixed-width external (disk) table module.

A small set of Java utility modules for some general / specific tasks:

  1. io-util - I/O, buffer, and some common utilities. The Lists utility methods find a lot of use in other projects. (No external dependencies.)
  2. jsonimple - json-simple knock off with some bug fixes, and a few added features. (No external dependencies.)
  3. io-xp - Less used stuff. Includes a fuzzy controller.
  4. table-io - Simple, fast, fail-safe, fixed-width, external tables (on disk).

(To use these as a maven dependency, use the artifact coordinates listed in the links above.)

Build (install)

This is a standard maven build.


  • JDK 16+
  • Maven 3.x
  • Internet connection (possible dependency downloads by maven)


Clone this repo and then invoke

$ mvn clean package -DskipTests

Note running the tests requires a local install of this small library. (This will be fixed in the next version.) After running the tests you’ll find a target/test-outputs directory containing the side effects of the tests.

You’ll want to profile performance. To get a rudimentary idea for stuff like external merges, include the perf_test switch (takes about 2 minutes):

$ mvn clean package -Dperf_test=true`

JPMS Ready

Module information is included in the build so that projects can load the library under the module system. Its only dependency is the default module java.base.


Sept. 6, 2022: First version pushed to Maven Central

Feb. 11, 2021: Released under LGPL.

Jan. 7, 2014: Initial booha